Menggunakan metode belajar yang menyenangkan.
Small Class, Max 15 Users.
Dibimbing oleh guru dan mentor berpengalaman.
Try out dan evaluasi hasil belajar secara berkala.
Monitoring perkembangan peserta kursus.
(free WiFi).
Biaya sangat terjangkau dan bisa dicicil.
We use the right methods based on the students' needs.
One class consists of 20 students
Local and native well-experienced tutors.
Post-test and pre-test evaluations are carried out to measure the students' achievement.
Learning process and students' skills development is monitored regularly.
Free WiFi for all students.
The course fee is relatively affordable compared to other language course institutions.
Our vision is to become a leading and professional language service center to provide the needs of the academic community of Nusa Putra University and the general public.